Sunday, January 21, 2007


Photos from two recent hikes with the rocking Red Juvenil-El Carrizal. The first set of photos is from a hike with the Catholic group from both Carrizal and Ostuma to El Paraiso, where we met up with the group there to pray and to challenge them in a scorching mid-day soccer game. Which the girls won 2-0 (the guys tied their game).

The second are from a hike we organized to El Chorreron, the stunning waterfall about an hour from the canton--most of which is through the Jiboa river Valley and more often than not, directly through or across the river. It was definitely one of the best days so far, except that I never ever want to feel that kind of responsability for 25 peers climbing around the cliffs, waterfall and upstream dam, wandering off... while being generally awesome and loving it.

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