Having trouble loading pictures, but life is good.
We just finished our dias de immersion, aka visiting other volunteers and living with random families. I went to Dulce Nombre de Maria in Chaletenango, hung out in the countryside eating bean soup swimming in rivers, raced around the city market with Chale with Gloria, the woman I was staying with and then went up to these secluded piscinas in the mountains. It was stunning! And lies at the base of this 6 hour mountain hike to ancient Mayan cave drawings, so they are trying to turn it into a tourist hostel. Clean, full plumbing, electricty, gorgeous pools, mountain views and hammacks : $5. No other tourists.
Works for me.
Back in San Rafael Cedros for our fiestas patronales and working on the cultural identity Charla I´m supposed to give this Thursday. Yikes. Kind of exciting though...